Tote bag stamp rally

  • Date:
    Sat. 3/15/2025 - Sun. 3/23/2025 (Hours vary by store)
  • Venue:
    20 stores in Harajuku area
Tote bag stamp rally

Enjoy Harajuku fashion culture with ‘experience’

1. Get a TCS original tote bag at Harakado (first 500 people to arrive will receive one for free)
2. Take the tote bag to the 20 stores participating in the tote bag project and get a limited-edition patch uniquely designed by each store.
3. Attach the patches to the tote bag to complete your own original tote bag!

20 popular shops in Harajuku including anrealage homme Harajuku, BEAMS WOMEN HARJUKU, CANNABIS, CA4LA Omotesando, JOURNAL STANDARD Omotesando ladies store, SHEEP, STUDIOUS Harajuku, THREE TREASURES HARAKADO STORE and more. Harajuku, such as JOURAL STANDARD Omotesando ladies store, SHEEP, STUDIOUS Harajuku, THREE TREASURES HARAKADO STORE.

  • Access: