

  • Date:
    3/15 Fri. - 3/24 Sun. 10:00〜21:00
  • Venue:
    Akasaka Sacas Plaza
  • Access:
    Akasaka Station/ Direct connection from Akasaka Station on Tokyo Metro Chiyoda Line
    Akasaka-mitsuke Station/ Tokyo Metro Marunouchi Line/Ginza Line 8 min. walk

Representing Akasaka with red cushions connecting people to people

yawar:akasaka” is a park designed by design studio nendo. It is named after the three elements of ‘Yawaraka (softness)’, ‘aka (red)’ and ‘saka(hills)’ which are related to the place name and topography of Akasaka. Objects woven with red cushions can be a playground where you can relax at or climb on, and it is a place of interaction with lightings. It can be re-tied to be chairs after the event, as an installation that ‘connect’ diverse values together.